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[스크랩] 아, 작은꽃! 리지외의 성녀 소화 데레사의 생전 모습들

도구 Ludovicus 2008. 9. 10. 18:31

Therese at three and a half - July 1876

A letter from Mme Martin to her daughter Pauline dated July 16, 1876, informs us that three successive poses had to be taken on that occasion
because Therese moved quite a bit during the taking of the picture.
'Although she ordinarily had a happy expression on her face, she was pouting then because she was close to tears, and we had to keep encouraging her.'

Therese at eight with her sister Celine - 1881

Therese, shown here with a jumping rope in her hand, was eight,
while Celine was twelve.

Therese at thirteen - February 1886

Therese is thirteen years old in this picture. She has already been cured of the strange and crippling illness which struck her in 1883,
and at the end of this year she was to experience her 'Christmas conversion',
that instant maturity which marked the end of her childhood sensibility.

Thérèse à 15 ans

Therese at fifteen

Therese is photographed with her hair knotted on top of her head,
the coiffure she adopted for the first time to make herself appear older
when she visited Bishop Hugonin on October 31, 1887.
Although it might appear that the picture was taken at that time
Celine's notes inform us it was taken in April, 1888,
a few days before Therese's entrance into Carmel.

Thérèse novice

Therese as a novice - January 1889

Taken in January of 1889, some days after Therese's clothing
with the religious habit, which occurred on January 10th of that year.

Thérèse en méditation

Therese in meditation in the courtyard of Lourdes - 1894

The nuns are seated in the Lourdes grotto.
The grotto no longer exists in the Carmel today,
but it was near the site of the present chapel
where Therese's body is now kept.

Thérèse dans le rôle de Jeanne d

Therese as Joan of Arc in prison

Taken between January 21, 1895, and the spring of that same year.

Thérèse dans le rôlr de Jeanne d

Therese as Joan of Arc during her vision of St Margaret

Taken between January 21, 1895, and the spring of that same year.

La communauté en récréation dans l

The community at recretion in the chestnut walk

Taken sometime after February 5, 1895,
the community is gathered in the walk of the Chestnut trees,
which have been recently pruned.
The majority of these trees are still standing,
including the third tree form the right on which the word MOTHER can be seen.
The hermitage of the Holy face is behind the trees on the left,
and the original cemetery of the convent is in the middle rear of the picture.

Thérèse en récréation

Therese at recreation

Therese appears a little more stout in this photograph,
which perhaps can be explained by the angle at which the picture was taken. However, Celine was very satisfied with this picture.
'You see her as she was', she said.

La communauté au préau

The community on the cloister porch

Taken in the cloister porch between February 5, 1895,
and the end of July in the same year.

La communauté à la lessive

The community at the wash - 1895

All of the nuns, with the exception of Sister Marie Emmanuel, who is standing at the extreme left, have removed the extra veil worn over their heads. They are wearing aprons, and they have rolled up their three sets of sleeves. During the actual washing at the convent, the nuns worked in relays, some doing the wash here in the laundry, while others took the clothes outside to thrash them with paddles like the one Therese holds in her hand. However, for this photograph they have all assembled in the laundry at the same time, which explains why they seem so crowded.

Thérèse debout dans le préau  - 17 mars 1896

Therese standing in the cloister courtyard - March 17, 1896

At the Process for the Canonization, Celine testified : 'After I had photographed the novices, I also took her portrait. She wanted to hold in her hand a scroll on which had been written the words of our holy Mother Saint Teresa : 'I would give a thousand lives to save a single soul'. '

La communauté aux foin - Juillet 1896

The community haying - July 1896

The community is haying in the meadow which stretches beside the chestnut walk. As is customary when they do heavy work, the nuns have pinned up
the outer fold of their habits. Therese moved, and her face is quite blurred. However, her picture is still very interesting, particularly the vigorous manner
in which she is holding the pitchfork.


Therese holding a rosary - July 1896

Therese had already been sick for several months. The picture was taken by Celine in the courtyard ouside the sacristy. But she was dissatisfied with the pose, as she wrote in her notes: 'Her character was strong and virile, but now she appeared timorous and fearful, and I was very much dissatisfied.'


Therese holding a lily - July 1896

The picture was taken in the same sacristy courtyard.
'I made her straighten up', Celine writes, 'and I asked her to face the camera
and put on the expression she had in the picture the photographer took
of the two of us when she was eight. After she complied with my instructions,
I snapped the picture, without paying any attention to the arrangement
of her habit. I was satisfied with this picture,
as far as we can be satisfied with a photograph


Therese as sacristan, with her sisters and cousin - November 1896

The photograph was taken in the sacristy courtyard. Therese held the office of sacristan until June, 1892, but she was reappointed for a short time after the community elections of March 21, 1896.

Thérèse "aux images" - 2 juin 1897

Therese with the holy pictures - June 7, 1897

The setting is again the sacristy courtyard. The two pictures Therese is holding are the Holy Face of Tours and the Infant Jesus, pictures which she kept in her breviary and which in some way summarize her spirituality. On June 3, a few days earlier, Therese had started the final section of her autobiography.
Since Therese's early death was now beyond doubt, her sisters wanted
this photograph, and the two following ones, as a final remembrance
of her appearance. The pictures were given to Mother Gonzague
for the feast day, June 21.

Thérèse malade sous le cloître - 30 août 1897

Therese lying ill in the cloister - August 30, 1899

This is the last photograph of the Saint, taken exactly one month before her death. She is arranged in the cloister walk on a long reclining chair.
Therese is wearing a simple night veil on her head, and over that
a cap of white wool. The two straps of the small night scapular
can be seen around her neck. Illness has made her face almost unrecognisable.

Thérèse morte à l

Therese in death in the infirmary

In her memoirs, Celine informs us that she took a photograph of Therese in the infirmary on October 1,1897, before the removal of the body.
While Celine admitted that the photograph captured her sister's 'heavenly smile', she did not, on the whole, like it because of the irregular play of lights and shadows.

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