가톨릭-/가톨릭 성화.사진방

[스크랩] 성화로 보는 예수님의 일생

도구 Ludovicus 2008. 3. 1. 23:19

● Sandro Botticelli Annunciation 1489-90 tempera on wood panel 150x156cm

● Leonardo da Vinci Annunciation

● Simone Martini The Annunciation 1333 tempera on wood approx

Annunciation reverse of two-sided icon from the church of St. Clement c1340?- 1370?

■ 예수 탄생

● Correggio The Virgin Adoring the Christ Child about1523

● Ghirlandaio, The Adoration of the Shepherds

● Hugo Van Der Goes The Adoration of the Shepherds

● Lorenzo di Credi Adoration of the Shepherds

● Gentile da Fabriano The Adoration of the Magi

                ● Raphael's Madonna del Granduca

■ 애굽으로의 피난

● Jacopo Bassano The Flight Into Egypt oil on canvas c1544-45

Rest on the Flight into Egypt Federico Barocci

■ 예수의 어린 시절

● Albrecht Duurer Christ Among The Doctors 1506 Madrid

● Raphael, Madonna with the Infant Christ and the Infant St.John, 1507. The Louvre, Paris

■ 예수의 세례

페루기노와 핀투르키오 : 예수의 세례(바티칸박물관)

● Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, The Baptism of Christ 1731-33 Fresco

● Jean Baptiste Camille Coro
The Baptism of Christ 1845-47

광야의 시험

● Duccio Di Buoninesegna The Temptaion of Christ on the Mountain c1308 NY

The Temptation in the Wilderness
13th century stained glass London

산드로 봇티첼리 : 예수의 시험과 문둥병자를 고침(바티칸박물관)

갈릴리에서 어부들을 제자로

● Domenico Ghirlandaio The Calling of the First Apostles 1481

● Konrad Witz The Miraculous Draught of Fishes 1444


● Cosimo Rosselli Sermon on the Mount and the Healing of the Leper 1481

가나의 혼인잔치

● Paolo Veronese The Wedding Feast at Cana 1562~63, Paris

The Miracle of Gana
South Italia 11th Century

간음한 여인

● Peter Paul Rubens Christ and Mary Magdalene c.1618, Munich

● Jobst Harrich The Woman Taken in Adultery, Paris

나사로를 살리시다

● Fra Angelico The Resurrection of Lazarus c.1450

● Geertgen Tot Sint Jans The Raising of Lazarus 1480, Paris

레위를 부르시다

● Paolo Veronese Christ in the House of Levi 1573 Venice

어린이를 축복하시다

● Vogel von Vogelstein Suffer the Little Children Florence

● Master HB of the Griffin Head
Christ Blessing the Children Paris

예루살렘 입성

● Duccio di Buoninsegna Christ Entering Jerusalem, Siena

Master of The Monogram A.H
The Entry of Christ Into Jerusalem
c1500 Lyons

천국 열쇠를 베드로에게 주시다

● Perugino, The Giving of The Keys to St .Peter

잃은 양 한 마리

Statue of The Good Shepherd

과부의 헌금

● Masaccio The Tribute Money 1425~2 Florence

병자를 고치시다

● Nicolas Poussin Christ Healing the Sick 1650, Paris

오천명을 먹이시다

● Limbourg Brothers The Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes c1413

세례 요한과 예수

● Raphael St. Peter Delivered from Prison

● Raphael

St. Peter



Prison (detail

예수의 영광스러운 변모

● Raphael Transfiguration

제자들의 발을 씻기시다

● Ford Madox Brown Jesus Washing Peter's Feet 1852-56 London

Christ Washing the

Feet of the


12~13th century NY

최후의 만찬

● Dieric Bouts The Lord's Supper 1468

● Leonardo Da Vinci
The Last Supper 1495~97

● Raphael
The Last Supper 1518~19

● Cosimo Rosselli The Last Supper 1481

● Fra Angelico and workshop The Eucharist 1438~45

감람산의 예수

● Master of Trebon The Agony in the Garden C.1380~1390

● Hohenfurth Master The Agony in the Garden C.1350

겟세마네에서의 기도

● Andrea Mantagna The Agony in the Garden C.1460, London

● Upper Rhine (Lake Constance)
Christ in the Garden of Olives. C.1460

유다의 입맞춤

Judas and Jesus C.1295 Fresco

● Giotto

The Betrayal of Christ


● Barna Da Siena The Kiss of Judas C1350/56 Fresco. Italy

● Caravaggio. The Betrayal of Christ. 1602-1603.
Oil on canvas. National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland

체포되신 예수

● Limbourg Brothers Christ brought to the Praetorian. c1413 France

●Anthony van Dyck

The Arrest of Christ.

Oil on canvas.

Museo del Prado, Spain

빌라도 앞에 끌려간 예수, 자결한 유다

● Jean Fouquet Jesus before Pilate, From The Hours of Etienne Chevalier, c1445.

● Gustave Dore Christ Leaving the Praetorian oil on canvas. Nantes

빌라도의 아내 예수를 옹호하다

● Master of Schotten Jesus before Pilate ;
Pilate Washes His Hands
, from the Altar of Schottenkirche 1470~80

● Ludovico Mazzolino Ecce Homo c.1524/25 France

손을 씻는 빌라도

● Mathias Stomer Pontius Pilate Washing His Hands Oil on canvas

● Albrecht Altdorfer
Christ before Pilate, from the Saint Sebastian Altar 1518

채찍질 당하는 예수

● Caravaggio The Flagellation of Christ at the Column
c.1606~7 oil on canvas 134X175.5cm

● Jaime Huguet The Flagellation of Christ c.1450
unknown medium on wood 92X156cm

홍포와 조롱

● Quentin Massys Ecce Homo c.1515 oil on pastel

● Master of the Regler Altar
Coronation with the Crown of Thorns oil on wood

가시 면류관

● Hieronymus Bosch. Christ Crowned with Thorns. 1500s.
Oil on panel. National Gallery, London, UK

● Titian. Christ

Crowned with Thorns.


Oil on canvas.

The Louvre, Paris

● Anthony van Dyck.
The Crowning with Thorns.
1620. Oil on canvas. Prado, Madrid, Spain

십자가를 지신 예수

● Pieter Bruegel The Elder Christ Carrying the Cross 1564

The Carrying of the Cross


● Copy after Jan Van Eyck The Crucifixion

십자가를 지고 골고다로 가는 예수

● Lorenzo Lotto (1480~1556/57) Christ Carrying the Cross 1526

● Raphael. The Hill of Calvary. C.1515 Oil on canvas. Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.

● Master of the Saint-Germain-Des-Pres Pieta Christ Walking to Calvary

십자가에 못박힌 예수

● Fra Angelico and workshop. Christ Being Nailed to the Cross,
late 1430s-early 1440s.

● 上 William Edmondson Crucifixion
1923-37 Limestone

● 左 Aelbrecht Bouts Man of Sorrows n.d.
Oil on wood

● Diego Velazquez Christ on the Cross c1632

● Emil Nolde The Crucifixtion, central panel of The of Christ triptych, 1911-12

Repousse Gold and Jeweled Bookcover Court School of Charles the Bald c.880

십자가 곁의 성모 마리아

● Matthias Grunewald. The Small Crucifixion. c.1510.
Oil on panel. The National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA

Hieronymus Bosch. Christ on Cross with Donors and Saints. Oil on panel. Musee des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium

● Rogier van der Weyden. Crucifixion. c.1460. Oil on panel. Monasterio de San Lorenzo, El Escorial, Spain

● Masaccio. Crucifixion. Panel from the Pisa Altar. 1426. Tempera on panel. Museo di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy

● Pietro Perugino. The Crucifixion with the Virgin, St. John, St. Jerome and St. Mary Magdalene. c.1485. Oil on canvas. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA

십자가 위의 예수(죄인의 사면)

● Hans Baldung. The Crucifixion. 1512. Oil on wood.
Gemaldegalerie, Berlin, Germany

Duccio di Buoninsegna. Maesta (back, central panel) :The Crucifixion.
1308-11. Tempera on wood panel. Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena, Italy

● Hans Memling. Crucifixion. 1491. Oil on wood. Szepmuveseti Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary

Lucas Cranach the Elder.
The Crucifixion. 1502. Oil on wood. Kunsthistorisches
Museum, Vienna, Austria

Lucas Cranach the Elder.
The Crucifixion with the Converted Centurion. 1536. Oil on wood. National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA.

창에 허리찔리신 예수

Peter Paul Rubens. Christ on the Cross. 1620. Oil on canvas.
Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp, Belgium

Jan van Eyck. The Crucifixion.
1425-1430. Oil on canvas transferred from wood. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.

Crucifixion. Auvergne, 2d quarter of 14th century. oil on wood 57x48 in.

Crucifixion, from The Andreas Missal, c.1320 Cistercian Abbey, Wilhering, Austria.

● Antonello Da Messina. Pieta
c.1475 oil on wood.74x51 cm

십자가 위에서 영혼을 부탁

● Raphael. Crucifixion. 1502-1503. Oil on panel.
National Gallery, London, UK.

● Rogier van der Weyden.
Crucifixion. c.1440-1450.
Oil on panel.
Gemaldegalerie, Berlin, Germany

● Matthias Grunewald. Crucifixion.
c.1510s. Tempera on panel.
Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel, Switzerland

● Graham Sutherland The Crucifixion
commissioned 1946
oil on hardboard

운명하신 예수

● Nicolas Poussin. The Lamentation over Christ.
1627. Oil on canvas. Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany

● Peter Paul Rubens The Deposition,
1612 oil on wood 420x310cm

The Dead Christ Supported by Two Angels Northern Italy, end of 15th century

● Attributed to Daniele Crespi
The Dead Christ Supported by an Angel n.d

● Nicolas Poussin.
Descend from the Cross.
c. 1630. Oil on canvas
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg,

● Rogier van der
Lamentation. c.1460-1480.
Oil on panel.
Koninklijk Kabinet van
Schilderrijen, Mauritshuis,
The Hague,

● Rogier van der Weyden.
Lamentation of Christ.
c.1450. Oil on panel.
Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts
de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium

● Rembrandt.
The Descent from the Cross.
c. 1634. Oil on wood.
Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany

● Rogier Van Der Weyden
The Deposition
c.1435 oil on wood
Museo del Prado, Madrid

● Perugino with Filippino Lippi
The Deposition from the Cross
c.1507 oil on wood Accademia, Florence

십자가의 대속

● El Greco. Christ on the Cross Adored by Two Donors.
Oil on canvas. The Louvre, Paris, France

● Albrecht Altdorfer. The Crucifixion.
c.1526. Oil on panel.
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin,
Gemaldegalerie, Berlin, Germany

● Sandro Botticelli
Pieta c.1495
tempera on poplar

● Petrus Christus Pieta
c.1450 oil on wood

● Enguerrand

The Villeneuve-
les-Avignon Pieta

unknown medium on wood

예수의 시체를 새 무덤에

Eugene Delacroix. c.1850..
Oil on canvas. Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo, Norway

Titian. Entombment of Christ. c.1523-15826.
Oil on canvas. The Louvre,Paris, France

무덤에 드신 예수

● Raphael. Entombment. 1507. Oil on panel.
Museo Galleria Borghese, Rome, Italy

● Mikhail Vrubel.
Pieta. A sketch for a mural in the Cathedral of St. Vladimir in Kiev. 1887. Watercolor, whitewash on paper. The Museum of Russian Art, Kiev, Ukraine

● Pietro Perugino. Pieta. 1493-1494.
Oil on panel. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy

부활한 예수

      Peter Paul Rubens. Christ Risen.
      1616. Oil on canvas. Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina, Florence, Italy.

● Giovanni Bellini.
The Resurrection.1475-79. Oil on canvas, transferred from poplar panel, 148x128 cm. Gemaldegalerie, Berlin, Germany.

The Resurrection of Christ.
c. 1635-39. Oil on canvas. Bayerische Staatsgemaldesammlungen, Munich, Germany

막달라 마리아에게 나타나신 예수

▲ Alexander Ivanov.
The Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene.
1834-1836. Oil on canvas. The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Giotto. The Last Judgment. 1304-1306. Fresco. Capella degli Scrovegni, Padua, Italy.

Michelangelo. The Last Judgment (detail). 1534-1541. Fresco. Sistine Chapel, Vatican.

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